Offers For 50+
We have an array of offers for anyone aged 50+! If you are looking for a new outlet, whether it be dancing or martial arts, please have a look through this page for more details!
Want to take up a relaxing form of exercise? Come and join Bruce to who will be delivering Tai-Chi sessions upstairs in our main hall from 10am - 11am.
Price per session: £5
Line Dancing
Dance Class: Country-Western *For all ages, but typically attended by ages 30+*
Line Dancing is a very popular session that runs every Wednesday from 12:45pm-14:30pm. This is technically for ages 18+, however it has become more popular with senior citizens.
Price per session: £3 subs
Friday Dance
Ballroom / Social Dance *For all ages but typically attended by those 40+*
Our Friday Night dance has been running for decades and takes place every Friday evening from 19:30pm-22:00pm, and every fourth Saturday of the month. This is a perfect opportunity to spend time with your partner and take part in a traditional formal dance.
Price per session: £4 per person